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New (to me) Math Game

I discovered a new math game while trying to locate resources to help a student practice exponents. I realized that he needed support with exponents while we were practicing order of operations. As long as he had the model for the order, he was working successfully. When he was playing a game with me (which I am also including in this post), I picked up several errors in his calculations. He was able to spot the errors until we included exponents. I introduced the game today and he loved it. What I love about the game is that the developer has improved it to include multiple platform use (since Flash is no longer working on many devices) and there is a user video tutorial.
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Well, I've taken a hiatus from blogging and now I'm ready to begin sharing some insights into learning from the past 16 years. I have worked with students from ages 3-16 and have realized that I learn something new every day. I will be sharing some old and new learning strategies, games, and resources. Follow along and share, share, share. After all, we can learn so much from each other.